Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pensive Processing

I am one of those people who is often told that I'm not what people expect.  I don't fit well into any box that people try to find for me.  And to be honest, that brings me great joy, but that is entirely different post.  :)

I had Sunday off.  That's right.  I said it.  Off.  As in, not working in any capacity, including not spending any time with students.  With the exception of a few stray texts that arrived at my phone, it was a no-work day.  I went to church .... like a normal person.  I arrived a 5 minutes before it started and left without talking to people expect for the few I passed as I returned to my car.  I drove home and committed to not leaving.  Spending the whole day at my place.  Not to say that after a few hours I didn't think about leaving, but I didn't and that brought me here.  Pensively processing life. 

Social networking sites are always good for a substantial distraction, so I logged into Facebook and saw a link on my Newsfeed that peaked my interest.  Someone had posted on one of my Facebook friend's wall about a Myers Briggs test he took and encouraging this friend to take it also.

I took one in high school but have not since.  I've talked to many people who say that it changes over the years as you change.  I tend to think that maybe we are just better figuring out who we are and are more accurately able to articulate it.  Anyways, approximately 100 questions later I was given my 4 letters.  Now when I took it as a sophomore in high school, I was deemed "ENTJ" (extroverted, intuitive, thinking, judging).  My memories of it are minimal, but I do remember agreeing with aspects of what the profile said and strongly disagreeing with others.  As one who doesn't like the idea of "the essence of me" being placed in a box, it didn't bother me at all.

But here I am.  MANY years later and the results were different.  "INFJ" (introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging).  And as I read through the discription given of the "Counselor" as it is deemed, it was me.  Completely.  Strange personality nuances and quirks that others find off the wall were explained and praised!  Crazy!  Now, one of the many things I appreciated about this particular site was that all of the personality types were looked at in a positive light.  Forcing me to walk away confident and proud of who I was.  (If you have a few minutes, I would encourage you to click on the INFJ link above and read through.  That is me (more or less :)) in 4 paragraphs!)

All of that to say that it has and is challenging me to ponder life, both good and bad, both individually and communally.  Strengths and weakness.  And I have loved it.  Hope you enjoy.

Much joy and blessings as we are all challenged to live out who it is God has called us to be, and as we strive to live, serve, and be the way were were created to.


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